Friday, July 29, 2011

Fred Astaire - Let's Begin

This, one and all, is the first entry of my new blog. The idea is pretty simple. Every so often, I'll post a song and describe what I think of it, how it fits whatever is going on in my life, or what we can learn from it. As a creative writer and a thinking individual, nothing inspires me or my thoughts as much as music. No song ever means its face value to me. I take them apart. I dissect them, and I twist whatever meaning it may or may not have to fit the thoughts floating around my brain. It's a fascinating process that all of us do when we hear music, and no one person ever hears a song the same way another does. This blog will be dedicated to bridging the gap between what music means to me, and what it means to everyone else.

Some background is in order. I got a late start into the whole music thing. When I was 14 years old, I discovered the Sum-41 album "All Killer No Filler". In retrospect, it wasn't that spectacular, but at the time I didn't know any better. I bought the album, my first one, and the love affair began. In high school I discovered The Clash, my current favorite artist. They opened up Two important worlds to me; politics, through the content of their lyrics, and a exit to my pure punk diet through their diverse exploration of genres. Today I listen to anything from 20s ragtime to modern indie rock and all will be explored on this blog.

So enjoy the reading! I sincerely doubt that anyone who doesn't already know me ever reads this thing, but you never know.

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